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16 posts tagged with "feswap"

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FeSwap Airdrop is coming

· One min read

After more than one-month test running, FeSwap has proven that FeSwap Protocol of commission-free is theoretically correct, and technically feasible.

To attract more liquidity providers and more token exchange users, FeSwap will airdrop 1,000,000 FESW@M tokens to randomly selected 500 Polygon network users each day within the next 20 days. Totally 10,000 users will share the 20 million FESW airdrop under the rule of 2000 FESW/address.

The first 500 lucky guys are here:
Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Transaction 3

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FeSwap Charts is available

· One min read

Based on The Graph protocol and the FeSwap subgraph, FeSwap Charts is available for end-users to explore the Token, Pair, and the Account information on FeSwap Exchange.

As FeSwap is commission-fee, the exchange profit is calculated according to the K-Value square root increase within the internal token exchange taken place while the token price deviation between the twin token pair reaches the threshold, instead of calculating from the exchange volume.

From the information shown on the charts, it is clear that even if FeSwap does not charge any fees to exchange users, the liquidity providers can still make competitive profits from the swap transactions.

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Liquidity Mining Launched on 5 Liquidity Pools

· One min read

Underpined by Polygon's highly cost-effective performance, FeSwap, the world's first and only DEX charging no commission fee to, is quickly and broadly adopted on Polygon network.

Nealy 500 token pair NFTs are minted, and about 1.4 million FESW@M tokens are airdropped within last two weeks. And more than 200 exchange transactions have completed to display out how the exchange transactions could be free, and how the liquidity provider's profit are earned by capturing profit from the price slipppage caused by crypto market variability.

To grow and give back to the community, we have launched liquidity mining on 5 liquidity pools, which are: MATIC/USDC, MATIC/ETH, MATIC/USDT, ETH/USDC, MATIC/FESW@M.

10 millon FESW are available to mine within 120 days for each one of the 5 liquidity pools. Following minable liquidity pools could be proposed and voted by the community.

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FeSwap Officially live on Polygon

· One min read

As scheduled, FeSwap DEX token pair NFT bidding is switched on at 2021-12-12 12:00:00 PM.

After 20 hours running, everything works well, and all transactions run smoothly with Polygon high performance. Up to time writing, 8 FeSwap token pair NFTs are minted, with 26,400 FESW@M tokens airdropped。

The 8 token pairs and their prices are as follows:


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Link to: Polygon Website

FeSwap airdrop to all ETH participants

· One min read

Totally 10 addresses participated in the FeSwap application testing on Ethereum testnet, and involved in various FeSwap transactions on Ethereum mainnet. Each one of them is airdropped with 50,000 FESW@M, the FeSwap governance token on Polygon.

Other 3 addresses have desired to join in FeSwap testing, each one of which is airdropped with 20,000 FESW@M.

Totally 560,000 FESW@M are airdropped to 13 addresses contributed to FeSwap experiment on Ethereum.

The overall airdrop information are following:

AddressAirdrop amount (FEWW@M)
Total 560,000

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Have a try:

FeSwap will be live on Polygon

· 2 min read

As Ethereum network is more and more expensive, FeSwap cold-start on Ethereum is quite difficult and seems impossible at this phase, so it is time to deploy FeSwap to some other cheaper and EVM-compliant blockchains.

At first, Binance Smart Chain is our selection. But we finally decide to deploy on Polygon considering that Polygon is the most cost effective Ethereum scaling solution conveying plenty of Defi applications and ecosystem.

Compared to the smart contract implementation on Ethereum, we have done quite some code optimization to be more gas fee effective, and a new designed patch mechanism is added to a few core smart contracts as the security escape hatch in case. These smart contracts have been exhaustively tested, and now is ready to be officially launched.

Similar as FeSwap on Ethereum, each token pair is minted as an NFT, but all the NFTs on Polygon network is auctioned with starting price of ZERO. The owner of each token pair NFT will share 60% of the protocol profits earned by the corresponding liquidity pool.

Commission free seems crazy for decentralized exchange. FeSwap invites everyone to try and to prove that it works, and it works well, it works even better than charging end users.

FeSwap will launched on Polygon at 2021-12-12 12:00:00 (UTC+8). Why not pick up some free token pair NFTs for yourself?

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Have a try:

Link to: Polygon

Three Swap Pair Created

· One min read

Three FeSwap swap pair NFTs have found their owners, and the corresponding liquidity pools have been created in FeSwap.

Now token swap without commmision fee becomes reality. ETH🔗WBTC, ETH🔗USDT, ETH🔗FESW are the 3 pools, you can swap for your desired token with no any exchange fee.

More FeSwap NFTs are waiting for it owner, maybe it's you!

Please visit:

FeSwap alpha release

· One min read

FeSwap Exchange has been deployed on ETH mainnet now.

Token pair NFT bidding will be open at 2021-08-14-08-08-08 UTC+8. Timestamp is 1628899688. Sponsor is also open at same time.

FeSwapRouter, FeSwapFactory and StakingTwinRewardsFactory will be deployed within two weeks.

User Guidance Available

· One min read

Decentralized exchange is some complicated from the user experience standpoint.

Now FeSwap has prepared some step-by-step guidance to help users get familiar with Feswap application.

While you get confused and need some help, please refer to the guidance following:

FeSwap Released for Test

· One min read

After 4 months developing, now FeSwap is ready to be launched! 👏👏👏

There are so many DEXs in the booming Defi space. But almost all AMM DEX are forked from Uniswap, including SushiSwap, PancakeSwap, QuickSwap, HoneySwap. These X-swap are nearly just the re-deployment of Uniswap contract on various EVM compatible blockchains.

FeSwap is also forked from Uniswap. But FeSwap makes several fundemental changes:

  • FeSwap creats two sub liquidity pool for each token pair.
  • FeSwap charge ZERO exchange fee for all swap transactions.
  • Each token pair is minted as an NFT, the owner of which could share the profit of the token pair.
  • FeSwap implements an internal exchange mechanism, which could make competitive profits for its liquidity providers.

All these changes impact almost all aspects of FeSwap implementation, including token swap related contracts and their testing, the low level SDK to support token swap, liquidity mining mechanism and its implementation, and almost all swap releted user interface, such as adding liquidity, removing liquidity, token swapping, NFT bidding, liquidity mining, and so on.

In theory, FeSwap proves that decentralized exchange could be free, but profitable.

Now waiting everybody to prove it in reality!


· One min read

Based on the FreeSwap Protocol, FeSwap Exchange targets to provide FREE decentralized crypto exchange to all the world.

A list of smart contracts have passed the test, and will be set to pulic in Github, including:

  • Exchange-related smart contract:
    • FeSwapERC20.sol
    • FeSwapPair.sol
    • FeSwapFactory.sol
    • FeSwapRouter.sol
  • Governance-related smart contract:
    • FeetTo.sol
    • FeeToSetter.sol
    • FeswaNFT.sol
    • Feswap.sol
    • FeswGovernor.sol
    • FeswVester.sol
    • MerkleDistributor.sol
    • RewardsDistributionRecipient.sol
    • StakingRewardsFactory.sol
    • StakingRewards.sol
    • Timelock.sol

Keep waiting!