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FeSwap Airdrop is coming

· One min read

After more than one-month test running, FeSwap has proven that FeSwap Protocol of commission-free is theoretically correct, and technically feasible.

To attract more liquidity providers and more token exchange users, FeSwap will airdrop 1,000,000 FESW@M tokens to randomly selected 500 Polygon network users each day within the next 20 days. Totally 10,000 users will share the 20 million FESW airdrop under the rule of 2000 FESW/address.

The first 500 lucky guys are here:
Transaction 1
Transaction 2
Transaction 3

Learn more:

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· One min read

Based on the FreeSwap Protocol, FeSwap Exchange targets to provide FREE decentralized crypto exchange to all the world.

A list of smart contracts have passed the test, and will be set to pulic in Github, including:

  • Exchange-related smart contract:
    • FeSwapERC20.sol
    • FeSwapPair.sol
    • FeSwapFactory.sol
    • FeSwapRouter.sol
  • Governance-related smart contract:
    • FeetTo.sol
    • FeeToSetter.sol
    • FeswaNFT.sol
    • Feswap.sol
    • FeswGovernor.sol
    • FeswVester.sol
    • MerkleDistributor.sol
    • RewardsDistributionRecipient.sol
    • StakingRewardsFactory.sol
    • StakingRewards.sol
    • Timelock.sol

Keep waiting!