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How to get FESW

FESW is the token representing FeSwap governance votes. There are several ways to get FESW by contributing to FeSwap community.

  • Provide liquidity to token pair swap pools
    • While providing liquidity to token pair swap pools, you will get some liquidity tokens. By depositing these liquidity tokens to the corresponding mining pool, you will earn some FESW tokens, which normally is propotional to your deposit duration and liquidity amount.
      • Not all liquidity tokens are mining-enabed. Refer to FeSwap liquidity for the mining rules.
    • FeSwap will periodically airdrop FESW tokens to all users providing liquidity.
      **Learn more about providing liquidity
  • Swap ERC20 tokens through FeSwap application
    • FeSwap will periodically airdrop FESW tokens to all users who have swapped within FeSwap App.
    • Airdrop will consider swapping times, amounts, and so on.
      **Learn more about token swapping
  • Bid token pair NFT
    • Each FeSwap token pair NFT owner will receive FESW tokens propotional to their final bidding price at the rate of 20,000 FESW/ETH.
    • The first bidder of each token pair NFT will receive 1000 FESW even though he/she lose the bidding finally.
    • Each bidder will receive 500 FESW each time he/she bids for any NFT even though he/she lose the bidding finally.
      **Learn more about token pair NFT bidding
  • Sponsor FeSwap
    • Each sponsor will receive FESW tokens as the giveaway at a slowly down rate, which takes the initial rate of 100,000 FESW/ETH, and is decreased at the rate of 20 FESW/ETH based on the totally sponsored ETH amount.
      **Learn more about sponsoring FeSwap
  • Involve in FeSwap community developing and spreading
    • For the builder of FeSwap community, FESW token will be presented as the feedback.
    • All developers, testers, documenters, designers, spreaders, sponsors, swappers, ... are builders of FeSwap community.
      **Learn more about FeSwap community
  • Swap for FESW