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One post tagged with "freeswap"

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· One min read

Based on the FreeSwap Protocol, FeSwap Exchange targets to provide FREE decentralized crypto exchange to all the world.

A list of smart contracts have passed the test, and will be set to pulic in Github, including:

  • Exchange-related smart contract:
    • FeSwapERC20.sol
    • FeSwapPair.sol
    • FeSwapFactory.sol
    • FeSwapRouter.sol
  • Governance-related smart contract:
    • FeetTo.sol
    • FeeToSetter.sol
    • FeswaNFT.sol
    • Feswap.sol
    • FeswGovernor.sol
    • FeswVester.sol
    • MerkleDistributor.sol
    • RewardsDistributionRecipient.sol
    • StakingRewardsFactory.sol
    • StakingRewards.sol
    • Timelock.sol

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